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  • 改性四氟密封垫片替代对换表


    1 Refer to the manufacturer for PxT, chemical resistance and other compatibility information. Be sure application is within the service limits of each DURLON material.
    2 Check torque for non-metallic flanges.
    3 Exception, hydrofluoric acid.
    Flexitallic and Sigma are registered trademarks for gaskets of Flexitallic. Intertex is a registered trademark of Intertech, Inc. Garlock and Gylon are registered trademarks of Garlock, Inc. Gore-Tex and GR are registered trademarks of W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Thermoseal, Inc. A Klinger Licensee. Klinger and TopChem are registered trademarks of Richard Klinger, Inc.

  • 无石棉压缩板密封垫片替代对换表


    1 Refer to the manufacturer for PxT, chemical resistance and other compatibility information. Be sure application is within the service limits of each DURLON material.
    Garlock, ST-706, HTC, Blue-Gard, IFG, are registered trademarks of Garlock, Inc.  Flexitallic is a registered trademark for gaskets of Flexitallic. Thermoseal, Inc.  A Klinger Licensee.  Klinger and Klinger sil are registered trademarks of Richard Klinger, Inc.